• Akyıldız Kimyevi

Fire Precautions

Fire Precautions
As it is known, nowadays fires outbreak for different reasons. As a result of these fires, many loss of life and property can occur. These fires, especially caused by fields such as household appliances and electrical systems, can sometimes occur naturally, although they may arise as human-induced. In such cases, we have no choice but protecting ourselves and our environment. Fire should be extinguished with various fire powders or materials such as fire tubes.

Keep Flammable Substances Separate
If we talk about fire precautions, firstly all flammable materials in home or in the environment should not be kept in the same place. If for any reason, one of these combustible materials burn, it will also spread to other combustible materials. Thus, an unstoppable fire can occur.  In such cases, place the stuffs and materials in your environment regularly.

Maintenance of electrical and other installations should be done regularly.
Fires are usually caused by installations whose maintenance isn’t done. And even with a small spark, it is possible to grow rapidly and create a fire that is capable of burning a large area. At this point, all electrical systems and tools, various natural gas systems and any other installation should be maintained regularly. These precautions, which should be taken before the fire starts, will prevent the occurrence of the fire.

Definitely, Keep The Fire Extinguishing Materials Available
Today, especially in the apartment fire extinguisher cylinders are kept in any way without maintenance. However, it should be noted that fire extinguishing cylinders should be replaced within a certain period of time, even if they are not used continuously. They also have an expiration date and need attention. In addition, fire dust to extinguish the fire in your home or in your environment must be available. The presence of a material that can extinguish against any fire that may occur will prevent loss of life and property. It is necessary to pay attention to these fire precautions in case. With the measures taken from the beginning, the occurrence of the fire can be prevented, which can be much faster to extinguish if the fire occurs.